Zoo Quest

Never have rhyming riddles been more fun

About The Project

Zoo Quest was a Unity project developed in about 5 months for the first semester of the second year. That semester, we were assigned to create a Walking Simulator game, which was something we had never done before. So the main challenge was to make a walking sim with basically no mechanical challenge but still fun and really enjoyable to play. Rhyming riddles came to mind and I believe it was a perfect choice to base the gameplay around them.

In this stage of my course, I started to learn about hierarchy, interfaces and design patterns, which I applied when programming Zoo Quest.

My Role In The Project

  • Programming

    I was Zoo Quest's solo programmer.

  • Game Design

    I've worked on game design and world design side-by-side with my team.

  • 2D Art

    I designed the game's UI elements and I was also responsible for creating the official documents and web/2D content.

  • 3D Art

    I was responsible for many different models but I wasn't the main 3D artist.
